Thursday, May 1, 2008

Brooke's exit is unpredictably predictable

After all the controversy Idol has seen this week, it is a little surprising that Brooke White, who many had predicted would be in danger, was eliminated last night.

The 24-year-old native of Mesa, Ariz., wiped away a stream of tears after learning her fate, and managed to pull herself together to thank her fans. As she tearfully struggled through a final performance of "I Am...I Said," the Top 4 finalists surrounded her and comforted her, which was a really touching scene.

The reason why her ouster was unpredictably predictable: it would have made more sense to have a "shocker" happen to help America forget about Paula's loopyiness the night before, but it seems we have already put that behind us anyway regardless. But looking back, it also would have looked bad had Jason Castro been ousted, and his fans would have called foul, blaming Paula's gaffe for his elimination (and rightfully so).

Syesha Mercado, who was also in the bottom 2 last night, should not have been there, and she has now broken Season 1's Nikki McKibbin's record for being in the bottom 2/3 the most times in a season. Hopefully she can keep her streak alive without falling out next week.

As for what many are now referring to as "Paulagate," Ryan Seacrest was vague in his brief statement on the controversy, when he said the rumors he had bene reading about her online were "not true" and that they are "family and we love her." Simon gave Paula a hug, he sat at the judges' table misty eyed. It is very odd that Ryan did not offer an excuse on Paula's behalf, as she had done so earlier in the day on his KISS-FM radio show. That decision to let the gaffe go unexplained, even if they were to give a classic BS excuse, should raise some red flags. If it was a simple misunderstanding, come out and say so.

The highlight of last night was by far and away Natasha Bedingfield's interaction with David Archuleta, as he has a crush on her and Ryan asked her out to the prom for him. Natasha said she had a dress and a boyfriend, which she must not understand is a classic example of giving mixed signals. She was cute when she sat over on the couches with the finalists and sat next to David, hugging him. She even sneaked a kiss on his cheek, most likely enraging 90% of the U.S. under 14 female population.

That situation aside, the rest of the show was a total bore. Maybe a surprise call from Simon's first kiss, a 46-year-old woman named Tara Miller, was a nice touch, but it went on for too long and Paula's well-intentioned but Debbie Downer-like comment on whether Tara had "cured the rabies" yet was in poor taste.

The Neil Diamond medley and Neil Diamond's performance were both lackluster, Diamond's performance in particular was really disconnected from the audience. He seemed a little bit aloof but friendly.

Next week, the Top 4 take on songs from the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, which most definitely will not favor a particular contestant *cough*DC*cough*. Hopefully it lives up to its theme, unlike this week.

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