Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poll of the week: Arch attacks rest of runners-up

It wasn't even a contest for the latest round of IDOL LIVE's poll of the week champion series for 2010, as perennial favorite David Archuleta destroyed all eight fellow runners-up for the weeklong voting period.

Arch earned 545 of all 567 votes cast over the week, good for 100% (even though the poll itself says his total stands at 96% - something is obviously awry). Surprisingly, not even Adam Lambert's fans spent time on the poll. Let's see if Arch's fans can repeat in two weeks when he faces off in the champion series final against all other winners from each round.

In the next round (the second-to-last, by the way), readers will be asked which winner is their favorite of all nine seasons. Voting will be open for exactly one week.

Justin Guarini 1 (0%)
Clay Aiken 4 (0%)
Diana DeGarmo 2 (0%)
Bo Bice 2 (0%)
Katharine McPhee 4 (0%)
Blake Lewis 1 (0%)
David Archuleta 545 (96%)
Adam Lambert 4 (0%)
Crystal Bowersox 4 (0%)

Total votes: 567


Ashley said...

Go David! :D

Anonymous said...

david still rules/rox! best contestant everr!

Anonymous said...

So my question is why fans of other idols give up easily. They need to collect their force in one place. No wonder why David Archie's fans were nominated for the Fanatic Fans category at Teen Choice Awards.

Katheryn said...

David Archuleta affectionately refers to his fans as "Go-Getters." I'm proud to be a member of the Go-Getters Club!

Anonymous said...

Clay's fans have decided to stop voting on these silly polls a long time ago. Maybe other Idol fans are getting on board with that too. It isn't much of a win if you're the only one running.

Katheryn said...

Hmmm...I guess some polls are sillier than others. Certain Claymates don't think TBWE polls are "silly," yet they are practically the only ones left voting in the American Idol and Celebrity categories. At least Idol Live limits voting, unlike TBWE which has allowed multiple accounts by a single voter.

Nellie said...

The reason David wins at these (and why he won the teen choice award favorite American Idol alumni) is because his fans are devoted to him and take time to do these "silly" polls as you call it because we try our hardest to promote him anywhere we can. But look who he's up against seriously. The only other of the runners up who is doing very well for themselves is Adam (of whom I'm not a fan). Clay did well once upon a time but not as well anymore.

Lily said...

Fans of other Idols don't want to play silly games. These polls mean nothing except that David's fans spend too much time voting.

I will vote at polls that mean something. Who even knows this poll is around.

I do not think that winning this poll is something to be proud about. Find something more important to brag about.

Anonymous said...

Archie would kill for the opportunities and accomplishments that Clay has. Get real.

Mary said...

Gee whiz. It takes a lot longer to leave a comment at this site than it does to place a vote, so I'm not sure why some consider it such a waste of time to vote. In any case, I hope it's only trolls and not real fans of Clay Aiken who are leaving such bitter remarks. David Archuleta is my favorite, but I also like Clay, and have purchased some of his music. David's career is just beginning, and Clay has already put down some solid roots. Both of them, as well as the other Idols, need as much POSITIVE support as they can garner in these tough economic times.

Anonymous said...

oh please can the holier than thou act lily - if polls like this don't matter to you, then why take the time to even comment. and the claymates are as fos as can be. they still spam a hell of a lot of polls, but get pissy when clay doesn't win some. get over yourselves, lighten up, have some fun, and quit being such jerks about the whole thing. these polls are fun, they aren't rocket science, they allow fanbases to do something fun for their fave. nothing wrong with that, unless you read more into it than need be.

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