Monday, July 19, 2010

Flashback: Amy Adams' "The Power of Love"

Before an actress of the same namesake burst onto the scene, Season 3's 10th-place finalist, Amy Adams, was the most well known celebrity with the name. The popular pink-haired makeup artist used her spunky appeal to sail into the finals thanks to her showing on Celine Dion's "The Power of Love" during Group 3's performance episode of the semifinals. Watch the performance below:

Amy's theatrical take on the song was enough to catapult her into the finals, but she didn't last long. Simon Cowell's criticism that Amy was more "'Cabaret Idol' than 'American Idol'" most likely was true, as she had a winning personality but her vocals were never able to compete with those of some of her powerhouse peers on the show that season.

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