Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Katharine McPhee continues work on Hunger-Free Summer campaign; contest announced

As previously mentioned, Katharine McPhee has been busy this month with the Hunger-Free Summer campaign sponsored by the ConAgra Foods Foundation and Feeding America. Kat's latest appearance came last Monday, July 12, at the Project Access Resource Center in Santa Ana, Calif., as pictured to the right.

Per the ConAgra Foods Foundation, the goal of the campaign is to help fund 10,000 meals for schoolchildren that go hungry during the summer when there are no food options provided for by the school systems. Kat has been a supporter of Feeding America’s Entertainment Council for nearly a year.

Also in relation to Kat, IDOL LIVE would like to announce a contest coming in the near future for a chance to win Kat's latest album, Unbroken, which will involve answering trivia questions. Be on the lookout for that exciting opportunity! (AP Photo/ConAgra Foods Foundation, Drew Kelley)

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