Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IDOL LIVE predix: Top 5 Results

Alright, so last night was abysmal. There's no way of getting around it: Frank Sinatra would be embarrassed. As good of a mentor as Harry Connick Jr. was, and as much effort as he put into their arrangements, there was only one above average performance. To add to it, hardly anyone looked comfortable up there with a big huge swing band and barely any space to move around.

Plus, the banishment of all musical instruments (especially the guitar) all but stripped the finalists' of their comfort and confidence. Basically, if there was any less current of a theme that the producers could have picked for them, it would have made things only a little worse.

With that said, read my predictions for how tonight will go below:

Bottom 2
Aaron, Mike


So, after last week's prediction debacle, it only makes sense to pick the best performer of last night and think he or she is being sent packing due to his or her fans feeling complacent. That means Michael "Big Mike" Lynche is best suited to fit this bill. In all honesty, Mike's fans are not feeling as vulnerable as Casey's fans, who witnessed their favorite get absolutely pummeled by the judges last night.

Lee received the most praise, plus he went last, plus he's never been in the bottom three, so he's a good bet to be safe tonight. Crystal is, well Crystal, and Aaron seems to have the youth vote wrapped around his finger for the time being. So once again, Mike seems to be without a buffer to save him from elimination tonight, even though based solely on vocals he should be spared.

As for who will accompany him in the bottom two (there most likely won't be a bottom three if they follow the pattern set by previous seasons), Aaron is a usual bottom dweller, and his fans weren't as motivated as those of fellow usual lower end buddy Casey, so he will most likely round out the pair. If for some reason there is a B3, we can expect Casey will be there representing.

In my original predictions I had Didi finishing 5th, so that's obviously not happning.

Since the Top 24 I have correctly predicted 6-19 eliminations and since the Top 12 I have correctly predicted 2-7 eliminations.

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