Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Arista Nashville KO's KLC

In what has to be one of the quickest turnarounds for an Idol alum to be signed and dropped, Kristy Lee Cook has been shown the door at Arista Nashville for the second time.

After being signed in June, Kristy Lee released a second album (she had previously been signed before her time on Idol) with the label's "help" but it never really caught on, and her single "15 Minutes of Shame" barely registered any airplay. Five-and-a-half months later, it looks like she might have to pursue another line of work unless a competing label wants to go out on a limb and pick her up. But in the current music climate, that appears unlikely.

Some other quick Idol drops are as follows (specific dates are when the news of a signing/dropping was made public):

>Blake Lewis: signed Aug. 24, 2007, dropped June 2008 (9.5 months)
>Phil Stacey: signed Oct. 2007, dropped Nov. 21, 2008 (11 months)
>Justin Guarini: signed Oct. 9 2002, dropped Dec. 3, 2003 (14 months)
>Katharine McPhee: signed June 6, 2006, dropped Jan. 11, 2008 (16 months)
>Taylor Hicks: signed May 31, 2006, dropped Jan. 11, 2008 (16.5 months)

Hopefully this is the last drop for a while, but IDOL LIVE is willing to bet Fantasia will be the next to lose her deal.

Kristy Lee's 5.5 months takes the cake in terms of brevity of calling a record label home, and it looks like it may be a while before someone else steals that title away from her.


Anonymous said...

Phil Stacey wasn't actually dropped, he chose to leave and pursue other music interests. Keep your eye/ear out for him in the Contemporary Christian market.

Unknown said...

Kristy Cook was as good as anyone out there, bad label exposure, I believe they needed to keep Carry in the running with Hicks and had no time or money to properly get Kristy out there. I beleive she is still going to be around.

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