Tuesday, December 30, 2008

IDOL LIVE's Top 10 most memorable moments of 2008 - Part 2

And now the continuation of IDOL LIVE's Top 10 most memorable moments of 2008. If you missed moments #10-6, catch up before you proceed.

05) Clay Aiken (finally) comes out

If this wasn't Hollywood's worst kept secret, this story would have been sitting in the top spot for sure. Season 2's runner-up had dodged the gay rumors for years before finally deciding to put an end to them in September after an awkward in vitro fertilization with record producer Jaymes Foster that gave Clay Aiken a son earlier this year.

Only time will tell if this decision was a wise one for his career, but conventional wisdom says any news could propel his next album over 156k copies.

04) Idol alums' stars burn out

Although this was more of a series of moments, collectively they warrant an important news story that has landed at #4 on this countdown. It is no secret that Idol is not an instant success story for everyone that is fortunate to become a part of the franchise, but it is alarming when finalists that actually finished near (or at) the top are shown the door.

It began when Ruben Studdard lost his record deal with J Records in the final days of 2007, then became a bigger story when Season 5's top two finalists Taylor Hicks and Katharine McPhee were dropped by Arista and RCA Redords, respectively, in January. Then Blake Lewis was released from his contract in June and Phil Stacey was released/dropped from his deal in October. And the latest casualty was in fact Season 7's own seventh-place finalist Kristy Lee Cook, who was dropped for the second time by Arista Nashville in December.

Although things are looking good for the latest crop of finalists, these droppings are surely a word to the wise that winning Idol is not even enough to guarantee a fruitful career of stardom in the music business.

03) Paula's crazed fan commits suicide

In what has to be one of the most bizarre Idol-related stories of 2008, Paula Abdul was left in a frenzied state following the shocking suicide of a crazed stalker named Paula Goodspeed just outside of her house in November.

The fact that Goodspeed was once featured as one of those token "bad auditionees" on Idol in Season 5 led to a controversy between Abdul and Idol execs over the decision to include Goodspeed's audition for entertainment value despite being against her wishes. The two sides aired their dirty laundry over the course of a few days in the media before Paula was told to put a lid on it. This story definitely sums up the tensions that have settled in among the Idol family and will only continue to strengthen before they burst.

02) Jennifer Hudson's family tragedy

Even more tragic than the death of Goodspeed was the family tragedy that claimed the lives of third season seventh-place finalist Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew. The news was something that gripped the nation and even prompted a statement to be issued from the president-elect. It was later learned that Jennifer's brother-in-law, William Balfour, was the chief suspect in the rampage and he was charged with the murders shorty after.

The extremely painful situation caused Jennifer to cut promotion for her self-titled album and film The Secret Life of Bees short, and she has not made any statements in public on the tragedy. Hopefully 2009 is kinder to Jennifer, maybe a Grammy win is in store?

01) David Cook wins American Idol

Yes, it's predictable, but the story on its own deserves #1. A 25-year-old bartender/beer-pourer rising to fame as a result of his ill brother's musical aspirations, only to be challenged for the crown by a like-named 17-year-old from Utah. Although there was much competition on his road to success, David Cook was able to personalize every performance he delivered on the show and connect with his fans on a whole new level.

If there's one thing Cook's win proved, it is that America loves to see a success story. And judging by his album sales to date, it looks like America loves his music as well.

So there are your Top 10 most memorable moments of 2008 as compiled by IDOL LIVE. Do you agree? Don't forget to voice your opinion in the poll of the week for your most memorable Idol moment of the year.


wtgm3 said...

The way that I have read it at Billboard, Phil Stacey "exited" Lyric Street Records," which to me means that he left, rather than them showing him the door. I feel that he could have had more support, especially when his patriotic song, "Old Glory," came out. It didn't have as much publicity as did "If You Didn't Love Me," and unfortunately has been treated like a "seasonal" hit, having been played by only a few stations during the few days leading up to the 4th. You would think that it would get more airplay, especially with the times that we are in. Phil has toured continually during the year, and has gained fans and received standing ovations for "Old Glory." And part of that touring included appearances for Christian ministties and for the Navy, as he is now a reservist. And others thought he did pretty well to have had him appear at the Grand Ole Opry 5 times and be the grand marshal of the Nashville Christmas parade; not to mention having sung the national anthem several times during the year, including for Senator John McCain at a rally. He is supposed to let his fans know some good news in the new year, so don't count him out. As far as Krsity Lee, I feel Arista paid her less attention than they do Carrie, rushed to get an album out, then never gave her the chance to prove herself.

Anonymous said...

How the hell do you make a baby by in-vitero fertilization in an awkward way? Do you jerk off with the wrong hand or do they add the sperm to the eggs in the dark?

Reality Raver said...

Great list. Highly Entertaining. I linked it to my blog. I am an Australian Reality TV blog.

I am very much looking forward to the new season of Idol.

Great blog.

IDOL LIVE said...

Thanks for linking, Reality Raver. You've got a great blog going as well.

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