Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Poll of the week: Fans split on addition of Ellen

As expected, IDOL LIVE readers are fairly evenly split on the news that Ellen DeGeneres has been chosen to permanently replace Paula Abdul as Idol's fourth judge.

Among the three choices in this past week's poll of the week, most opted for the safest option, which was to "ask me again in February." That choice garnered 22 votes (37%). Coming in right behind was the feeling that readers "hate it," as 19 votes, or 32% of the 59 total votes cast, made this statement known. And a total of 18 votes (30%) were cast in favor of the news, saying they "love it." Only time will tell just what kind of reaction Ellen will prompt from fans of the show, and it is entirely possible that people could change their minds.

In this week's edition of the poll of the week, readers are asked which season of the "Idols Live!" tour was their favorite. Voting will be open for exactly one week.

Love it 18 (30%)
Hate it 19 (32%)
Ask me again in February 22 (37%)

Total votes: 59

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