Wednesday, April 21, 2010

IDOL LIVE predix: Top 7 Results

Although the Top 7 finalists didn't meet expectations last night when they tackled inspirational songs, Crystal Bowersox delivered the moment of the season when she went instrument-less on The Impressions' "People Get Ready." Needless to say, she does not need to worry about being in jeopardy tonight. As for the other six stars-in-the-making, though, Alicia Keys probably didn't do enough to advise them out of the danger zone.

With that said, read my predictions for how tonight will go below:

Bottom 3
Mike, Casey, Aaron

Bottom 2
Casey, Aaron


These three bottom three dwellers are nothing new, with the exception of Casey, and so tonight's elimination won't be too distressing. Since the Top 2 is pretty much set in stone as of now, it's all a matter of what order certain competitors leave. Mike, who should already be off this show, will make another appearance in the B3 but will escape by the skin of his teeth.

Casey, who up until now has been fairly consistent about not being in danger, will come the closest he has ever been to being eliminated, yet he'll stick around at least another week to deliver the same performance that Kara and co. have been being disappointed by.

And then Aaron will be the victim of "Idol Gives Back," as the show's youngest remaining contestant will be the most unexpected departee and no one will make a fuss over this. All in all a boring result for what should otherwise be a great night filled with giving and charity.

In my original predictions I had Katie going home 7th, which is definitely not a possibility.

Since the Top 24 I have correctly predicted 6-17 eliminations and since the Top 12 I have correctly predicted 2-5 eliminations.

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