Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Katelyn Epperly interjects herself in Ryan/Crystal drama

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Ryan Seacrest and his abnormal behavoir this season, especially over the course of the past few weeks. Now the latest shoe to drop is Crystal Bowersox's accusation that she was "betrayed" by Ryan in reference to a story that TMZ broke over the weekend regarding her nearly quitting the show a few weeks ago.

Michelle Ruiz of ABCNews.com actually wrote an extensive piece on Ryan's antics, which cited a radio interview Season 9 semifinalist and early favorite Katelyn Epperly did with an Des Moines, Iowa-based station in which she made a text message sent from Crystal public. Per the article:
Epperley told the radio show that after she texted her friend Bowersox about her reported crisis, Bowersox responded with a text of her own, saying, "I'm fine…betrayed by Seacrest!"

Yikes. I'm guessing tonight we will hear Ryan and Crystal attempt to do some damage control, maybe in the form of a subtle conversation in the vein of "Oh I'm so happy to be here, I had a rough time a few weeks ago but I'm glad we were able to work things out blah blah blah..." Either way, Ryan's behavior is not going unnoticed, and whether it has to do with an attempt at boosting ratings during this awful season or maybe perhaps Ryan has finally caught a case of Simon's boredom, people will continue to talk about it until Ryan lays off the caffeine and gets some sleep.

Maybe the new TV king has finally reached his limit.

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