Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Poll of the week: Arch winning at halfway point

It's the halfway point for IDOL LIVE's poll of the week champion series, and it has predictably come down to a battle of the Davids for the second straight year. The difference between now and the same poll last year is the Archies seem to be taking the poll more seriously than their Word Nerd counterparts.

David Archuleta is currently in the lead with nearly 9,000 votes, compared to David Cook's total thus far of just over 6,000 votes. Although things started with a bang in the first few days of voting, it seems that the fans' fingers have slowed down in recent days. Maybe everyone is soaking up their last few weeks (or in some cases, days) of summer vacation?

One point that should be reiterated is that each visitor of IDOL LIVE should only be able to vote once per day. However, this does not mean there aren't ways around this restriction. This Idol poll veteran is very well aware of the whole cookie-deleting process that is often used in these polls, and if that works to your advantage, then great. If not, that is out of my control.

So with just one week left to vote before the poll closes, here's to hoping the fan bases of finalists other than the Davids find this poll and continue to make things interesting.

David Cook 6,108 (40%)
David Archuleta 8,743 (58%)
Syesha Mercado 6 (0%)
Chris Daughtry 8 (0%)
Brooke White 3 (0%)
Kellie Pickler 87 (0%)
Kristy Lee Cook 1 (0%)
Michael Johns 1 (0%)
Ramiele Malubay 1 (0%)
Chikezie 26 (0%)
Amanda Overmyer 1 (0%)
David Hernandez 5 (0%)

Votes so far: 14,990


Anonymous said...

Did it ever occur to you that there are more people who prefer David Archuleta over David Cook and that's why he has more votes? I've only voted once several days ago because this poll hasn't allowed a second vote. I come to this site because I like the idol news but wasn't too pleased by the snarkey remarks in this article. (btw Cook's fans know how to delete cookies just like all other fanbases do).

goboywonder said...

Why aren't Jason Castro and Carly Smithson listed along with the rest of the AI7 contestants in place of Chris Daughtry and Kellie Pickler who were on in a different year?

Oh and DA all the way!

Anonymous said...

Everyone that has fingers can vote and clear cookies just like anyone else. I think this shows who has the most dedicated fans mostly...ones that are willing to do the work for their favorite.

Anonymous said...

It is really getting old the DA vs DC
How can anyone take these polls seriously? Both Great Guys with equally supportive fans. We all have our opinions and preferences
and when you can stack the deck it comes down to who has the most time on their hands. Once again a meaningless competition! JMO

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to vote on this poll but one time. I have tried everyday and noticed that Cook votes have not changed in over 3 days and as it is on his web site seems very strange. I voted for Archuleta and it recorded immediately. It is no wonder that Archuleta is winning ---- Just saying something strange here?

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