Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Poll of the week: Daughtry is favorite 'Idol' parent

Although it was apparent this poll topic was not the most exciting for IDOL LIVE readers, it was probably the most timely one seeing that Jessica Sierra had just given birth to a new baby boy. Surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly), Jessica failed to take in a favorite vote here, but a much more popular Idol parent flexed his muscle.

Chris Daughtry took this contest easily, garnering 21 votes (50%), which was way ahead of Bo Bice's eight votes (19%) and Josh Gracin's five votes (11%).

Moving on, in this week's edition of the poll of the week, readers are asked which Idol Christmas album is their favorite. Voting will be open for exactly one week.

Bo Bice 8 (19%)
Chris Daughtry 21 (50%)
Fantasia 2 (4%)
Josh Gracin 5 (11%)
Jennifer Hudson 3 (7%)
Leslie Hunt 0 (0%)
LaKisha Jones 0 (0%)
LaToya London 3 (7%)
Jessica Sierra 0 (0%)

Total votes: 42


Anonymous said...

Since when does Bo Bice have a Christmas album? Since never thats when! Why put him in this poll?

Anonymous said...

My very favorite Christmas album is "Merry Christmas With Love". No one sings Christmas songs the way Mr.Aiken does. Its a beautiful traditional album with his own slant on every song. Any age would love it.

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