Monday, November 23, 2009

'Idol' alums react to Adam Lambert's AMA performance

Twitter is abuzz with Adam Lambert, as he is currently the #1 trending topic on the social media site following his performance at the 2009 American Music Awards. Naturally, many Idol alums have their own two cents on the extravaganza:

Kellie Pickler says

what's up with all the "smoke and mirrors"...whatever happened to just singing a song and selling it with the power of the lyrics?? 13 minutes ago from web

Blake Lewis says:
Thought @adamlambert was great as the closer. Don't know how it sounds or looks through the tv, but it was epic live about 1 hour ago from Echofon

Ryan Seacrest says:
Ama's...Lambert designed all the costumes for his performance..I love the jay z song. had to blaze home to get up early. Home in 6 mins about 1 hour ago from UberTwitter

Anoop Desai says:
Watching the AMAs. Waiting for this @adamlambert performance less than 20 seconds ago from Echofon

Jason Castro says:
that was disgusting. eww 32 minutes ago from web

Chris Sligh says:
Wow..I'm just replaying it. That was absolutely horrible. I'm sure there are fans who will absolutely love it...but for me it was top 5... about 1 hour ago from web

...worst performances I've seen on a tv awards show. Let's make it clear that I'm not dissing him as a person...I hope he does great, but.. about 1 hour ago from web

..everything from the vocals & dancing to the set to the dancers...I mean everything was so just not good..o and btw it was Dr. Luke not Max about 1 hour ago from web thing is for sure...people will FOR SURE be talking about that tomorrow. And that is a darn good thing for Adam! about 1 hour ago from web

I coulda done without the sodomy, kissing the keys dude, and the S&M crap. Besides that it was great. Unfortunately that's all there was. about 1 hour ago from web

Sorry...I'm just kind of in shock at how horrible it was. My hopes were high. I really wanted Adam to be the greatest artist ever. about 1 hour ago from web

After all that he added:
I will however buy his album tomorrow...I'll let you guys know what I think...I'm sure it's great. about 1 hour ago from web
It's good to know former finalists can be candid about commenting on their peers.


Anonymous said...

Most of the performances on the entire show sucked like they do on every pop awards show. That's the problem with pop music, the mindless nonsense lyrics have no power. The music isn't real either, it's just synthesized garb. And most pop stars can't sing very well. So they try to make up for it with dancers, smoke, and other gimmicks. Adam can sing but he needs better material.

dntmesswidtexas said...

i f#%^(&g hate gay people - should ban this stuff

Anonymous said...

i just think he shouldnt be allowed to express that sort of stuff on TV. homo like behavior is not in keeping with out constitution!

mom4joe said...

im not saying these people shouldnt be allowed to live, just make it illegal for them to get close to our children. HOW CAN WE STOP OUR CHILDREN FROM BECOMING LIKE HIM!

Anonymous said...

Who is he flipping off in this pic and why?

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