Monday, May 12, 2008

The "Dadchuleta" saga continues

By now, the story about David Archuleta's dad, Jeff, being banned from going backstage with his son during the show's performance episodes has been covered by every media outlet from to Good Morning America and everything in between. Idol judges have also spoken out about the controversy, but have offered little insight into the specifics surrounding the whirlwind.

Randy Jackson today told The Canadian Press the judges do not have much interaction with the contestants, never mind any time with them backstage. He also shrugged off the story, saying it was more of a media creation.

"I think there's probably more of a press story there than a reality."

Simon Cowell also told Extra! he is not sure what all the fuss is about.
"To be fair to him, I don't really see him -- I don't know what he does. He hasn't said anything to me."

Now, David is finally speaking out about the whole ordeal. In a feature article on the Top 3 finalists in this week's edition of TV Guide magazine, David says the following:
"I've heard some of the weird things that people have been saying, and it's kind of a bummer," he says, not gigging at all. "I think I, of all people, would know what's going on, and he's been great. He's given me a lot of good advice and helped me from making any dumb decisions. He understands more than anyone what I want in music, and I've felt really blessed to have someone like that.

David seems a bit worked up now. "I don't really care what people say," he continues, "but I know it's affected him and stressed him out." As for reports that his dad withheld water from him during a recording session, the Idol insists, "That's kind of stupid. I'm 17! I think I'd be able to stand up for myself if he were to take my water away."
It will be interesting to see how this is addressed, if at all, during tomorrow's performance show.

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