Friday, February 6, 2009

Bikini girl gets offers

File this under "who didn't see this coming?" is reporting that everyone's favorite bikini girl (aka Katrina Darrell) has received offers following her elimination last night in the second round of Hollywood Week. One of the offers: Playboy.

But as Katrina proved in the article, sometimes it's just better to let someone speak for theirself in order to get the full effect:

"[I’ve had] a lot of different offers, like Vegas promotion offers. Of course Playboy has called. I wouldn’t say no, but at the same time I don’t want to stunt my career by jumping into that too soon and be labeled once again, as ‘just a body.’ But I don’t knock it."
Riiiiiiiiiight Katrina, because Playboy calls every stuck up, snot-nosed reject once they're eliminated from the #1 show in the country. And seriously, who would rather spend their 15 minutes on Idol than as a centerfold?

The sad thing is, she'll probably laugh herself all the way to the bank. Well, that's America for you.

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