Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kara outs Adam on 'The View'?

Alright, so if there's anyone out there who still has questions about Adam Lambert and his sexuality, Kara might have cleared a few things up for them. Or did she?

Appearing on The View Friday morning, Kara was asked a myriad of pointed questions by co-hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Barbara Walters, and when it came to a question about Adam and the media hailstorm surrounding his sexuality, Kara went the extra mile in stating:

"I don't think that Adam [Lambert] was ever in [the closet]."

This frankness caught Walters by surprise, as she then asked "Do you really think he was openly out?" and she said "I think he was...I never thought he wasn't." Watch the interview segment below:

Kara was also asked about whether or not she will be returning to the show next season as a judge, and she said she didn't know yet. Maybe this preemption of the Rolling Stone cover issue featuring Adam will be the final nail in the coffin making sure she doesn't return?

But maybe not. Last night, Adam was photographed leaving a club in West Hollywood while holding hands with a man named Drake LaBry, who has long been speculated to be his boyfriend. Either way, won't Adam become a lot less interesting in the eyes of the media once he finally does come out? It seems the media wants to discuss nothing but this one controversy, and it's getting boring.

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