Thursday, February 25, 2010

IDOL LIVE predix: Top 24 Results

Well, it's almost hard to select only two girls and two guys for elimination based on the last two nights' performances. Apparently no one informed the semifinalists that we are in the live rounds of the show now, meaning they actually have to give viewers a reason to pick up the phone and dial their 866 number over and over again. To this point, no one, I repeat, no one has demonstrated this. With that said, looks for some of the more predictable outcomes to come true when tonight's results are revealed.

The first two girls to be eliminated are:

>Lacey Brown and Ashley Rodriguez

Lacey really needed to come out and wow the audience if she wanted a chance at moving on since we saw so little of her during Hollywood Week, and even though she did have the whole "so close but not close enough" edge that carried over from last season, she just isn't likable enough a personality to get by on just who she is when she's competing against bubbly characters like Haeley Vaughn or pretty girls like Janell Wheeler. Idol is not about finding the best singer, but the most marketable packaged artist, and Lacey lacks in this department greatly.

As for Ashley, she just plain blew it. Had she not gone for such a predictable song choice, things would be different, but she did a third-tier copycat performance of a song no one's even heard of before, and since she didn't even sing well, it's asking too much to send her through based on looks alone. I had high hopes more Ashley considering I pegged her as a Top 12 contestant, but it looks like things are over and out.

The first two guys to be eliminated are:

>Jermaine Sellers and John Park

These two are obviously not the worst guys in the competition, but they needed to stand out among the more "appealing" men and were obviously not taking the voting demographic into consideration when they selected their songs. I mean, c'mon Jermaine, "Get Here"? John, do little girls really care about "God Bless the Child"? No, they want to hear guys butcher more current songs like "Apologize." John's one saving grace could be his fun sense of humor, but with such a crowded field it shouldn't be expected to play a huge role in deciding his fate.

This is the first time I am making predictions about Season 9 results, so hopefully I start out on the right foot considering I correctly predicted Kris Allen's win prior to last season's finale.

1 comment:

KietChayrox said...

John Park should be saved.. He has a great voice. He just picked a wrong song.

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