Wednesday, March 11, 2009

IDOL LIVE predix: Top 13 Results

Just as I was starting to get into the swing of things the judges have to go and invoke their "special privelege" of being able to decide which lucky bottom 3 barnacle receives a get out of jail free pass. At least that's what everyone is under the impression will happen. Under the old regime, one person would most definitely be going home, but this time around it appears they will in fact be saved.

Read my predictions below (if you dare).

Here are tonight's possible bottom 3 scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Bottom 3
>Jorge, Megan, Jasmine

After the three perform one more time for the judges, Megan is given immunity.

>Jorge (13th), Jasmine (12th)

Scenario 2:

Bottom 3
>Jasmine, Megan, Jorge

Jasmine is sent back to the couches.

>Jorge (13th), Megan (12th)

So scenario #1 is looking to be the best bet to happen tonight, and it is not surprising that Megan will ultimately be the one given safety because the judges are in love with her (and her tattoo) despite the good possibility that she had the lowest vote totals of the bunch. There's no way of getting around the fact that Jorge was the worst last night, so he has to be out, and Jasmine will be lumped in with the "forgotten" category so the judges won't bother giving her a third chance at staying in the competition.

And nevermind what DialIdol is predicting this week because finalists 13-6 are all way too close together, so no need to worry about Allison or Kris leaving tonight.

Hopefully scenario #2 happens, but it doesn't look promising. My original predictions for the 13th- and 12th-place finishers were Megan and Michael, respectively, and one of those will most definitely not be going home. The other has a slight chance but probably won't thanks to the new X-Factor judges' manipulation tool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to see things have not changed here, it is not america's vote, but the judges and their pre-conceived bubble -gum marketing idea. Good riddance to you idol

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