Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kristy Lee Cook interviewed on "Christopher Closeup"

Kristy Lee Cook was interviewed by Tony Rossi the other day on his Sirius-XM radio show "Christopher Closeup," on which she discussed her love for horses and the "Kristy Lee Horse Heaven" foundation in addition to the role her faith has played in her music career. Listen to the interview and read a snippet of the conversation below:

TR: Kristy, when you were on American Idol you faced some challenging times. You were sick for several weeks. You had to endure some, what I thought, were unfair critiques from the judges. When you’re dealing with that kind of stuff, what got you through it mentally, emotionally, spiritually?

Kristy Lee Cook: It definitely was God helping me get through. That was a hard, hard thing to do and God made it easier for me. Everything happens for a reason and this is all part of His plan so no matter how hard it is, you’ve just got to keep going.

More excerpts from the interview are available on Rossi's blog, The Intersection. After all that she's been through since being signed and dropped by Arista Nashville, Kristy Lee really does come across as being a kind, caring human being here, and hopefully more people will view her in a favorable light after hearing about her philanthropic endeavors. To donate to Kristy Lee's cause, see KLCHorseHeaven.org.

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