Tuesday, April 21, 2009

HITS estimates: Carrie 19.3k, Kelly 17.8k

There were big falls all around for albums by Idol alums on HITS Daily Double's Top 50 building album sales chart this week.

For the first time in a long time, Kelly Clarkson's album All I Ever Wanted slipped to the no. 2 Idol-related entry on the chart, as it slipped #12-23 with 17.8k copies for the week, down 57% from week to week. It was Carrie Underwood's album Carnival Ride that reclaimed that title, taking in 19.3k copies and slipping only 41%. On the chart side, it was only down two spots to #17.

The only other Idol alum to be represented in the Top 50 chart was David Cook, as his self-titled album fell another 58%, bringing in 8.7k copies and falling #28-45 on the chart.

Final numbers courtesy of Billboard should be out by the end of the week.

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