Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IDOL LIVE predix: Top 5 Results

Nothing will come as a shock tonight when a finalist that should have exited the competition two weeks ago finally goes home in fifth place. Even though the producers (and Ryan) will try to hype up the notion that anyone that goes tonight will come as a "shock," there will be no such thing.

The predictability factor will be out in force for tonight's results:

Bottom 3
Allison, Kris, Matt

Bottom 2
Kris, Matt


Matt really has done the best job possible all things considering, and he was able to deliver a very strong performance last night in a week that was really his to shine during. That said, he has gone as far as possible considering the major competition he has been paired with, and will gracefully bow out with a reprise of "My Funny Valentine."

Things that are working against Matt are the finite possibilities of who can go home at this point, the fact that he chose a song that was basically already perfected by two finalists on this show (Melinda Doolittle in Season 6 and Constantine Maroulis in Season 4) and most importantly Simon's shenanigans with his good old reverse psychology.

As for the finalists that will receive a wake up call tonight, Kris will certainly be one, joining Matt in the Bottom 2. If there is a Bottom 3 formulated from this crop of five, it would have to be Allison that fulfills the spot, but Ryan will most likely skip ahead to the B2 in order to create a sense of suspense.

In my original predictions, I had Allison leaving tonight, but even though that technically could still happen, I really do think Matt's time has come to a close for the final time. But of course, there is only one way to find out whether or not this commonly held prediction comes true tonight.

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