Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kevin Covais' mystery illness saga continues

As reported earlier this month by IDOL LIVE, Season 5's 11th-place finalist Kevin Covais was admitted to a hospital for an undisclosed illness. Rumors began swirling that Kevin had possibly had a stroke, but his publicist, Cindy Collins later brushed them off, instead insisting he had suffered complications from his diabetes.

The story regained traction yesterday when reported that Kevin was "cooped up in the hospital" with Bell's palsy, a condition that results in partial paralysis of the face. But Kevin's publicist once again tried to disspell that report. According to a story from Newsday, Collins

"...would not say what was ailing the 19-year-old. 'We cannot officially say either way until tests are done,' Collins said from Los Angeles.

The TMZ story reported that the illness was brought on 'because of the stress of his press tour' for the raunchy comedy flick. But Collins said, 'For the record, Kevin was not stressed out. It was a blast, it was the highlight of his week.'"
This obviously is not the last we've heard of Kevin's mystery illness. Whatever the true cause is, IDOL LIVE wishes him a quick and painless recovery.

College enters theatres nationwide on Friday. It also stars Drake Bell and Andrew Caldwell.

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