Saturday, May 30, 2009

Daughtry's 'Leave This Town' album art released

Daughtry yesterday had its album art for the upcoming release Leave This Town posted on the band's official Website.

Does the cover remind anyone of Brad Paisley's 5th Gear album art? Maybe it's the whole road thing. It's a big improvement over the band's first album cover, even though the silhouettes of the guys at the top look kind of "City of Angels"-like (you know, the Nicholas Cage movie).

Yesterday was a busy day for Daughtry, as posted a short preview of the guys' music video for their current single, "No Surprise," which can be watched below:

Judging from the preview, it looks like the video is going for a David Cook "Light On" feel and maybe even an "It's Not Over" / "Over You" vibe as well. Translation: it looks a little bland. Regardless, the video will premiere on at midnight on Wed., June 2.

Leave This Town will be released Tues., July 14, and is available to pre-order on

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