Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kris and Adam address "textgate"; perform on 'Today'

Kris Allen and Adam Lambert shared the stage for the first time since last week's finale, as the two this morning performed at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City for NBC's Today Show. Watch Kris perform "Heartless" below:

On the other hand, Adam performed "Mad World," which is widely considered to be his best vocal performance on the show. Idol's musical director, Michael Orland, accompanied him on piano. Watch the performance below:

The two alums also chatted with Today Show co-host Natalie Morales prior to taking the stage. Adam and Kris each said the opposite deserved to win, and Kris addressed "textgate," the swirling controversy kicked up by The New York Times about the AT&T phone giveaways in Arkansas, by joking about not having to call them up asking for more votes, while Adam said he thinks people need to relax and he wants to move forward with their careers.

Adam also flat out said he would not be joining Queen as the band's frontman, which puts that rumor to rest. Watch the interview below:

Kris also sang an acoustic version of his winning single, "No Boundaries," which seems to be the style of choice to perform the song in while he makes the rounds on the talk show circuit.

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