Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kris Allen sits down with Jimmy Fallon

Kris Allen last night visited Jimmy Fallon at his late night program, where he chatted about a host of topics following his big Idol win last Wednesday. Watch the interview segment on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon below:

The first issue Kris had to deal with was "textgate," which he claimed to know nothing about. Fallon suggested Kris call his debut album by the name of the controversy. Kris also said the first time he thought he really would be leaving was after performing Don Henley's "All She Wants to Do Is Dance."

Kris also showed more humor when he told Fallon that Arkansas music scene is "absolutely not" big, and got to demonstrate his guitar skills with an "impromptu" acoustic performance of "Heartless," which received much applause.

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