Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kristy Lee: "15 Minutes of Shame" video

Kristy Lee Cook's music video for her debut single "15 Minutes of Shame" premiered on yesterday. The video is surprisingly good, it's just too bad that it was released 15 weeks too late. Watch it below:

It come across as very "Before He Cheats" / "Last Name," but that's to be expected considering Kristy Lee is on the same record label as Carrie Underwood. There are also a few Taylor Swift similarities in there. Hopefully this will be enough to salvage her career.


Anonymous said...

wtf.. why all the iphone commercial?

Unknown said...

I love the video, maybe arista will actually give her some needed and deserved exposure.

Anonymous said...

Great video. Really good. I think it is the best on out there. I also think she should get a little recognition and well deserved exposure as indicated by Larry. You hit the nail on the head there. She is he best all around country artist out there today, aside of Carrie who is definately experienced and polished, as Kristy will be if the label will get off their butts.

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